Work packages
The ARISTOTEL project is divided into 7 work packages, amongst which one is dedicated to the management of the project and one which will ensure the proper dissemination and exploitation of project outcomes. These two and the remaining 5 scientific work packages are outlined below:
Work package 1: The Anatomy of A/RPC
WP1 provides the necessary background for the definition and understanding of A/RPC events of both existing and future aircraft/rotorcraft configurations: the cases, causes, triggers and critical points that need to be investigated more deeply. The results of this WP will relate to:
- provide the background definition and classification of A/RPC leading to a unified definition of A/RPC currently lacking in practice;
- categorise and evaluate the severity of each potential A/RPC trigger in order to provide a clear view on what the most critical conditions that initiate A/RPCs are and what designers should pay attention to in the development process of every new aircraft/rotorcraft;
- predict “future shifts” of RPC occurrences in future airframe design;
- understand the specific mechanisms that relate to aero-servo-elastic instabilities as these are the least understood phenomena.
Work package 2: Rigid body modelling and prediction of A/RPC
WP2 aims to
- develop existing or creating new vehicle, pilot and pilot-vehicle simulation models, validated using simulation data to allow the investigation of RPC phenomena:
- assess current RPC prediction criteria using the models developed;
- identify the strengths and weaknesses in current RPC rigid-body predictive capability; and
- where appropriate, develop and validate new predictive criteria for RPC.
For achieving these objectives pilot models developed in one task will be integrated in aircraft models developed in another task to provide a predictive capacity for pilot-in-the-loop flight. These models will then be used to predict the proneness of the pilot-vehicle system and to see where rigid-body RPC phenomena are likely to occur. Each rotorcraft-pilot vehicle system will be assessed against existing and new RPC prediction criteria. Pilot simulation campaigns will be used to assess and update each criterion as necessary.
Work package 3: Aero-servo-elastic modelling and prediction for A/RPC
WP3 aims to
- review existing rotorcraft models and modify and complete these models for the prediction of aero-servo-elastic phenomena by advanced modelling techniques;
- evaluate existing pilot models with respect to the suitability for application within A/RPC studies and modify these models or develop new pilot models;
- couple the rotorcraft models and the pilot models for pilot-in-the-loop predictions;
- apply the theoretical models for prediction of aero-servo-elastic instabilities with and also without pilot-in-the-loop and define suitable criteria;
- validate the theoretical models and criteria for aero-servo-elastic A/RPC predictions based on the experimental results from the simulator tests.
To achieve these objectives a similar approach as in WP 2 is taken.
Work package 4: Testing and validation for A/RPC
WP 4 aims to
- perform basic measurements of the bio-dynamic behaviour of the pilot with emphasis on improving and evaluating the developed bio-dynamic pilot models;
- validate the prediction of A/RPC events through simulator tests to improve the newly developed design tools for A/RPC prevention and to develop training protocols based on these results.
Based on the results of WP 2 and WP3, biodynamic tests and simulator test campaigns will be performed to understand the A/RPC phenomena and to develop A/RPC alleviation and prevention guidelines and methodologies. Using the results of the test campaigns, the theoretical models as well as the criteria for predicting aero-servo-elastic instabilities with a pilot-in-the-loop will be validated. In the event of deficiencies, the models will be adjusted accordingly.
Work package 5: Design guidelines and methodologies for A/RPC prevention
WP 5 aims to
- develop A/RPC prevention guidelines and methodologies for aircraft/rotorcraft design;
- develop simulation guidelines and training protocols for A/RPC detection.
The main results deduced from the validated prediction criteria for both rigid-body and aero-servo-elastic A/RPC will be consolidated and the critical design parameters of the pilot-vehicle system will be analysed. The results will be converted into guidelines to help designers to assess, early in the design process, the flying qualities, biodynamic effects and susceptibility of new aircraft/rotorcraft to adverse A/RPC. At the same time, simulation guidelines for A/RPC detection will be prepared to help recognise A/RPC signatures in the simulator.
Work package 6: Dissemination and exploitation
This WP’s objective is the dissemination and exploitation of the results generated in the project. To achieve this, several measures are taken:
- Regular update of this website to follow the most recent project activities
- Newsletter with information on the project progress
- Publications
- Workshops, Conferences
- Interfacing with other projects and initiatives, if appropriate
- Exploitation, management knowledge and IPR issues
Work package 7: Management
This WP relates to the management of the project and is based on 4 pillars:
- Decision making management
- Administrative coordination
- Reporting procedures
- Financial management